06 June 2009

Alaska Governor Sarah Palin Guest at Founders Day

Alaska Governor Sarah Palin was the guest of honor at Auburn's celebration of the fiftiethy anniversary of Alaska Statehood. Her visit on June 6, 2009, was the highlight of the city's first observance of "Founders Day." In her remarks on the steps of Memorial City Hall, the former vice-presidential candidate paid tribute to Auburn's rich history, to the negotiation of the Alaska Purchase by Auburnian William H. Seward in 1867, and to the sacrifice of a Patrick Devoe, a local man killed recently in the war in Afghanistan. She noted, as well, that Auburn was the hometown of her former press secretary and "right hand man," Meghan Stapleton. Accompanied by her husband Todd and daughter Willow, Governor Palin joined in a parade to city hall before addressing a large and enthusiastic crowd, and then 0over six hundred local residents at a special reception at the Seward House.

The Seward House